About the Lab

The Cardiovascular Laboratory of Health (CLH) aims to enhance human health by addressing problems that lie at the intersection of cardiovascular physiology and unhealthy lifestyle across the lifespan. Currently, we are investigating the adverse effects of excessive alcohol use and the interactions between exercise training and alcohol use on cardiovascular function in mid-life and young adults.

Our translational research laboratory is comprised of two separate laboratory spaces:

  • A dedicated bench space within “Core Molecular Laboratory” (SEIR 121) for performing ex vivo “isolated vessel” technique and processing human biospecimen

Dr. Hwang_fat tissue Dr. Hwang_Vessel
Small blood vessel (right) isolated from the human fat tissue (left) under microscopy

  • A dedicated laboratory for conducting “clinical/patient-based” research (SEIR 117) to assess cardiovascular function and autonomic function by using Doppler ultrasound imaging, arterial applanation tonometry, and microneurography. Our lab also has devices to measure alcohol breath concentration, physical activity, and ambulatory blood pressure as well as a tilt table, and a handgrip exercise device.

Dr. Hwang FMD practice
Doppler ultrasound imaging of the brachial artery

In addition, we perform maximal graded exercise tests for measuring aerobic fitness and exercise training in the shared laboratories (SEIR 113 and 103).

Dr. Hwang VO2
Maximal oxygen consumption test on a cycle ergometer

Dr. Hwang's lab 121
Dr. Hwang's lab 113
Dr. Hwang lab 117